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Hair loss during pregnancy – Vital Reasons For Hair Loss After Pregnancy

The pregnancy is the step that a woman becomes a mother. During pregnancy , there are several changes that occur and can be hair dye during pregnancy physical or mental hair loss during pregnancy .

Pregnancy is a burden on a woman, and when it should be removed , it is still very painful , and some women do not succeed in this field. hair loss during pregnancy is one of the physical changes that occur in a woman , and occurs in approximately 80 % of the female population in the world after delivery hair dye during pregnancy .

Sometimes, the hair breaks so that it becomes so unbearable for the carrier , which can make a person to make the decision to scratch everything and let rise again. There are many reasons for hair loss during pregnancy , and they are listed below for your understanding .

The average rate in which a woman loses her hair per day is about 25-90 , and can be either when brushing or washing, but a pregnant hair loss during pregnancy woman loses hair small amount of a hair dye during pregnancy normal woman , either because changes in hormonal activities that occur in the body during pregnancy .

In a woman who has not undergone the stage of pregnancy , the hair is still standing in each time period . This stage hair dye during pregnancy is called telegenic is the resting phase of the hair follicle .

When the hair falls , the rest hair loss during pregnancy of the hair is growing, which is called the manage phase and then hair loss during pregnancy through another phase called transition or Cartagena . This occurs when the hair grows from the manage to telegenic .

During pregnancy, the hormone level increases which are estrogen and progesterone, which prevents hair loss during pregnancy .

Once the baby is born, the scalp becomes thicker , which makes hair breaks easily , and changing body hair loss during pregnancy chemistry and the hormone level is normal , which makes the hair back to its state rest and fall. However, we note that the hair falls excessively, hair dye during pregnancy causing no visible baldness and hair will grow again after that , it can take a long time, maybe a year .

April . In addition, stress and nutrients that are hair loss during pregnancy during lactation can also cause hair loss .

What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy after pregnancy , and I encourage you not to be afraid or panic when you realize that your hair is falling out after pregnancy.

Hair loss during pregnancy – Vital Reasons For Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair loss during pregnancy, Hair Loss, during pregnancy

via 1forhairloss